Sunday, July 5, 2009

Watership Down (and why I may never be the same again)

So after many weeks of constant complaining about the numerous times I have read all the books in my private library david and I finally went book shoping. Normally i like boarders BUT i have found some of my favorite books at thrift stores (and hello...they are like 1.00 there...come on!) So as david and I were diving into the bin o' books at savers david oulls one out looks at the cover and says 'oh hunny look! It's watersip down! I love this book!" Because he loved the book and I loved him I threw it along with a number of others in my basket and we proceded to the cheackout.

I started reading watership down (or as I call it now W.D.) on firday....I finished it last night.

I thought it was about submarines (hello...WATERSHIP....I mean come on)

I thought beign about bunny's it would be mostly happy with some sad bambie

I will never look at bunnies the same again...ever!

I am starting slaughter house 5 next. *Sigh* Im beginging to wonder if I should bring david book shopping with me anymore...

paranoid about th wildlife thoughts!

Michelle"And apparentlly there is a cartoon based on the book that I must see....crap"Gasaway

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