Saturday, September 10, 2011

Children's Expo 2011

Penny and I went to the Children's expo today and had a blast. Free stuff and coupons and candy and FREE STUFF and ace painting and magic shows and oh...did I tell...FREE STUFF!

My one down fall...I did not bring her stroller...oh yeah...super mom...right here *points to self*

but you know what...It didin't matter. Penny was great and walked around nicely holding my hand or carrying the bag.

I love this kinda stuff (even though lets face throw away about 40-50 percent off stuff you get that night lol)

but it was a great new experience for penny. She did really really well and frankly was a trooper. We didn't stay as long as I would have liked and did miss a few of the stands I really wanted to go to BUT the main reason I wanted to go..was to get her fitted...for a free bike helmet! and we got that!

Awww how cute! so mission accomplished!

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